About IPAG
The Intellectual Property Agreement Guide

The Intellectual Property Agreement Guide IPAG is a project of the Austrian University Conference (UNIKO) and is supported by the national contact point for intellectual property in open knowledge transfer (NCP-IP) from the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW), the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws) unterstützt.
University core team
Dr.in Margit Glaeser - Medical University Graz
Dr. Michael Hoschitz - Medical University Vienna
Mag. Peter Karg - Technische Universität Vienna
Dr.in Tanja Valenta - Universität für Bodenkultur Vienna
Expert Council
Economic Advisory Council
Dr. Dietmar Grüll - AGRANA Research & Innovation Center (ARIC)
Research Advisory Council
Dr.in Edith Huber - Donau-Universität Krems
Mag.a Annelies Inreiter-Weiss - Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft LBG
Prof. (FH) Priv.Doz. DI Dr. Johann Kastner - Austrian Higher Education Conference
Mag. Michael Endres - Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH AIT
Strategic Advisory Council
Mag.a Margit Harjung - Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK
Mag.a Daniela Kopriva-Urbas - Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research BMBWF
Mag.a Sabine Matzinger - Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs
Tanja Schöpke, MBA - Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH
Legal Consultation
MMag.a Sabine Fehringer, LL.M. - DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach Rechtsanwälte GmbH
GEISTWERT Rechtsanwälte Lawyers Avvocati for IP/IT/technology
Project Organisation
Mag. (FH) Gerd Zechmeister - Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - aws
Dr. Michael Hoschitz - Medical University Vienna
Mag.a (FH) Sonja Polan - Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH - aws